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Virtual Reality Room (Creative Maker Studio) Capacity: 4


Students can reserve the CMS Virtual Reality Room to use with an Oculus (META) Quest all-in-one VR headset and controllers. The headset kit is available for 3-hour checkout and will be loaned to students who book the VR Room. 

If you are not familiar with the VR equipment, a CMS Student Assistant can help you get started, just ask!

Virtual Reality Room Policies:

  • Students must visit the Creative Maker Studio Desk before each reservation to check out the room key and necessary equipment for 3-hours.

    • Note: If the room key or equipment is returned late, CMS 3-hour fees will be applied by $1 per hour or portion thereof for each item until all parts are returned.

    • All patrons must sign a System and Device Loan Agreement form before checking out Room Key and Components for the first time. Save time and fill out the Loan Agreement Form electronically on AdobeSign before coming in.

  • Students using the VR headsets are REQUIRED to wear a disposable VR sanitary face mask located in the room.

  • Students using the VR controllers are REQUIRED to secure the safety straps on their wrists.

  • Student must stay within the taped play area inside the VR Room.

  • A maximum of 4 people may be in the studio at a time. 

  • There are no food or drinks allowed inside the studio.

  • The student who reserved the room must be present throughout the reservation if other patrons are inside.

  • 15-minute padding will be placed at the beginning and end of your booking to allow sufficient time for cleaning and drying.

  • Posters, notes, and other items may not be hung on walls or windows. Windows are not to be covered or obstructed. 

For more information about our Virtual Reality Room and policies please visit our Virtual Reality Room Webpage

Accessible Seat/Space
Power Available

   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding